Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Thursday's class

G'day all,

Happy International Women's Day to all you ladies in the class!!

Well what a clever bunch you all are to guess last week's picture! It is indeed a banana plant and the photo was taken from my backyard. (The plant is actually in my neighbour's garden). Congratulations to Vicky who was the first to guess correctly. Well done!

A big thank you to all the students who attended the annual general meeting of the Students' Union today. They were lucky to have you there! I hope you enjoyed the free lunch! I hope too that you understood (or could hear) what Kylie was saying. The students having lunch were very noisy, weren't they?

During her talk, Kylie mentioned about an evening's activity that's happening for board members out in Parramatta. She talked about a party where people have to dress up as an Australian hero, icon or sports person etc. She said people could dress up in coloured skivvies (what are these?) and come as the Wiggles. Have you heard of them? Do a Google search and find some info about them. Just write one or two lines in comments about who or what the Wiggles are.

On Tuesday, we had a game that involved countable and uncountable nouns. Have a look at this activity from Time4English as a little revision. New students, please ask me for the username and password. Go into Grammar on the left side of the page and click on Articles 1&2. There are quite a few new words on the second page!

Excellent work on the Forum last week! You certainly made it very hard for Rosa's class to come up with more ideas for the list. Have a look and see what they've added!

Have a look at Rosa's blog and try listening to the podcast with Lisbeth. It will give you some information about her! Hopefully, you can all hear it on your computers! Remember to bring your headphones!

As Rosa mentions in her blog, it's the 75th birthday of the Harbour Bridge on 18th March! On that day the Bridge will be closed to traffic and people can walk across it. You have to register for the walk so why don't you follow the link here and see if you can still register!

Well, that should be enough to keep you busy for a while! Remember to ask me if you need help. Have a good class and happy blogging!


sophie said...


Wiggles is a very famous name or band of children entertainment. It is original from Australia. There are four men -Greg Page,Jaff Fatt,Murry Cook and Anthony Field in this Wiggles Group.

Betty said...

Skivvies is a trademark of underwear both men and women. Wiggles are world children's entertainers that they wear red, yellow, blue and purple to entertain children with song and dance. In my view, in Kylie's speech mentioned party that some people wear the colourful underwear is the same as winggles' colour to come as underwear wiggles not dressed wiggles.

RUBY said...

Hi Marion!
Wiggle is a Australian band that entertains young children across the world.I saw them in Chanel ABC in the morning regularly.

sophie said...


Skivvies are shirts?

sophie said...
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Marion said...

Hi Marion

Skivvies is a kind of T-shirt, the diferent colours, The Wiggles used this skivvies.

Have a good weekend.

Alisha said...


Wiggles is a global force in children's entertainment.
Skivvy is a kind of man's cloths. It's the symbol of Wiggles. This four members usually worn skivvy, but they have different colours which are red,blue,yellow and purple.

Fang said...


Happy International Women's Day!

I hope you have a nice day .

Today,you mention the word that skivvy,it is a kind of man's underwear,but for Wiggle,this is the most popular T-shirt in the world,they have 4 colours skivvies: red,blue,purple and yellow.The Wiggle group is a global force in children's entertainment ,selling more than 17 million DVDs and vidoes and 5 million albums.Wiggle has their entertainment industry around the world Australia,US,UK,
Africa even Aisa,they have their topic park and retail trade through the world as well.Wiggles ,they are the most entertainment group for children worldwide!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mary
Thea comfortable T shirt long to wear for men, women and kids.There are in diferents colors. I''s made in Cotton and Elastine.I like it to use in winter...
The Wiggles The Wiggles are children's entertainers that have rewritten the book about how children can be entertained with song and dance. There are four men -Greg Page,Jaff Fatt,Murry Cook and Anthony Field in this moment Greg Page is remplaced for Sam because he is sick. My children enyoyed every day with the program.

hello mercedes said...

Hi Marion

Skivvies it is a kind of T-shirt, the Wiggles used this ones in their show.

Have a good weekend.


Vicky said...
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Vicky said...

Skivvies is a kind of T-shirt which has long sleeves and high collar. It's suitable for winter day to wear to keep warm.
And it also is the showclothes for Wiggles! Wiggles is a group of entertainer who make fun for children. They have four member and dress in skivvies in four colours-red, yellow, blue and purple.

tina said...

The Wiggles is an Australian band,it was combined with Greg,Jeff, Murray and Anthony in 1991.They perform for children.It is a very famous band.
Skivvies is explained as a turtle-neck shirt in Australia. However, meanings differ from different countries.