Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Last blog for term 1

Where is this building? What's special about it?

G'day all,

Well I had great plans for this week's blog but time has got the better of me and I won't be able to do it!

Thanks to my class for helping Sally's class last week. I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to add the links to my blog but I'll do it as soon as I can.

Next Thursday, Gordana is going to take both classes on an excursion to the Rocks. This is a very beautiful part of Sydney and an important historical area. During the excursion you will visit many places and I'd like you to look them up today so that you have some information before you go. When you look at the Rocks link, be sure to check out the Interactive map, the Rocks discovery Museum and the Sydney Visitor Centre. Have a look here for some history of the area. One of the places that you're sure to see is Cadman's Cottage. Have a look at this interesting place. When you have explored the Rocks on the internet, write a post on your blog of one of the places mentioned. Remember to use your own words and do not plagarise anyone's work. NO COPYING AND PASTING OF INFORMATION!
Have a look at this link to Earth Hour. What is it? Are you going to do it? Write about it in your blog. may be a photo???
Remember to check out Time4English and try some of the listening exercises. Instead of Easter eggs this year, perhaps you could get some headphones for next term so we can start recording. When we come back we'll try Digital stories so can you bring some photos on a USB, camera etc?
Well, have a great holiday and enjoy your free time away from TAFE. I look forward to seeing you all next term- relaxed, refreshed and ready for work!
Happy blogging!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Bridge's birthday!

Who are these three?? Write your answer in comments!

G'day all!,

Great work last week on working out who St. Patrick was! Some of you found the answer really quickly while others were searching for ages! Some of you just hit the right websites!
Well, today's class is going to be quite short due to the Harmony Day morning tea and the Job Placement talk. Therefore, I'm not setting you any tasks except to check out Rosa's blog and do her suggested activities if you have time. Remember, you can always finish them at home if you have access to the internet. Remember too that you can use the library computers on Fridays!

I know some of you walked across the Harbour Bridge last Sunday. Wasn't it a great day? I know that I really enjoyed myself and proudly wear my tattoo on my arm! I was also lucky enough to go to the old Fort Street School (which is now a National Trust Building called the S.H Ervin building) and get a Certificate to acknowledge my historic walk! If you click on the link here, you can see where you can order a certificate for yourself.If you walked last Sunday, maybe you'd like to write something in your blog and add a photo or 2! I tried to do a Bubbleshare like Rosa but couln't get my photos to finish uploading! I'll try again tonight at home! (it didn't work, sorry. I'll keep trying!)
Happy blogging!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well done!

Who is this man? Why have I put his picture in my blog this week? Poat your replies in Comments!

G'day all,
What a clever bunch you all are! Last week's answers about 'skivvies' and the Wiggles were well done. I'm sure those of you with young children knew the answers easily! (I did hear some of you singing 'Hot Potato, Hot Potato'!)
Some of you are falling behind with the work on the blog! I realise that some of you had problems with your blogs and have had to create new ones. It is important to do the work I set you each week. If you are having trouble , please speak to me! This is a class to help you to improve your English skills in a different way but if I can't see evidence of your work, it's hard for me to know how you're progressing!
Congratulations to you all with list of ways to learn English outside the classroom. Read Rosa's post and check out the forum to see all the answers! While you're there, check out this week's froum topic.
As you have had 2 visits to the library with Lisbeth, I'd like you to listen to the podcast with Patricia the librarian and remember to PRINT the worksheets so that you can answer the questions more easily in your blog. Try to present your answers in a clear and easy to understand format. It's better if you can listen with headphones so that you don't disturb your classmates.
You've been working with Sally on a puzzle for Harmony Day which sounds great! Have a look at Rosa's blog for some questions about Harmony Day! Check out Time4English too for the exercises on culture.
There is a new program on the computers in FG.20 now. It's called Issues in English. I'd like you to open it and have a look! It's very popular with other students. I hope you enjoy it too.
Good luck to all of you going on the Bridge walk on Sunday! Perhaps I'll see you among the 200,000 people!! I'm walking 1pm!
Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Thursday's class

G'day all,

Happy International Women's Day to all you ladies in the class!!

Well what a clever bunch you all are to guess last week's picture! It is indeed a banana plant and the photo was taken from my backyard. (The plant is actually in my neighbour's garden). Congratulations to Vicky who was the first to guess correctly. Well done!

A big thank you to all the students who attended the annual general meeting of the Students' Union today. They were lucky to have you there! I hope you enjoyed the free lunch! I hope too that you understood (or could hear) what Kylie was saying. The students having lunch were very noisy, weren't they?

During her talk, Kylie mentioned about an evening's activity that's happening for board members out in Parramatta. She talked about a party where people have to dress up as an Australian hero, icon or sports person etc. She said people could dress up in coloured skivvies (what are these?) and come as the Wiggles. Have you heard of them? Do a Google search and find some info about them. Just write one or two lines in comments about who or what the Wiggles are.

On Tuesday, we had a game that involved countable and uncountable nouns. Have a look at this activity from Time4English as a little revision. New students, please ask me for the username and password. Go into Grammar on the left side of the page and click on Articles 1&2. There are quite a few new words on the second page!

Excellent work on the Forum last week! You certainly made it very hard for Rosa's class to come up with more ideas for the list. Have a look and see what they've added!

Have a look at Rosa's blog and try listening to the podcast with Lisbeth. It will give you some information about her! Hopefully, you can all hear it on your computers! Remember to bring your headphones!

As Rosa mentions in her blog, it's the 75th birthday of the Harbour Bridge on 18th March! On that day the Bridge will be closed to traffic and people can walk across it. You have to register for the walk so why don't you follow the link here and see if you can still register!

Well, that should be enough to keep you busy for a while! Remember to ask me if you need help. Have a good class and happy blogging!