Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Our last class for Semester 1, 2007

Have a look at this Bubbleshare that Rosa put on her blog as some of you are in it!!

This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog

Well today we say 'goodbye' to some of our classmates for ever! We wish you all the best for the future in whatever you do! We hope you continue to do well in Australia and that you sometimes remember your English class with us! I'm looking forward to seeing some of you again next semester and to doing even bigger and better things on the blog!

We have a shortened class today due to the Student Association presentation and our end of Semester lunch but remember, you can log on to the blog from home or come in to the library over the next few weeks! It's good to try and keep up with our English from home etc! Even those who are leaving us can 'pop in' to the blog whenever they feel like it!!!

For today's class, some of you have to finish your Resumes from last week. The rest of you can log on to Time4English and work on Intermediate Level Unit 7 and do the new exercises in 8. If you want to revise your Grammar, have a look at Adverbs of Frequency.

As some of you work quickly, you can listen to the NEWS story on the Home page of Time4English and complete the exercises on the text 'Worms could stop allergies'. It's really interesting! As a final activity for the term, I'd like you to add a comment to this week's post telling me what you liked best about this blog this term!

So, it's goodbye from me and goodbye from some of you too! Happy holidays to all!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Second last class!!

G'day all,

Well what terrible weather was experienced by Sydney and the Central coast last weekend! I'm sure you all saw the pictures of the floods and the terrible damage they did! It was very sad that so many people died in the bad conditions. Did you stay indoors or did you have to go out in the rain? I spent most of the weekend at the computer trying to finish work for my course and do some administration work for TAFE.

Great work last week on guessing correctly that the bird in the picture is a Rainbow Lorikeet and that the bush is a Grevellia. Of course you were correct too that the picure was taken by me in my backyard. Read Betty's comment in my post about a lorikeet. Where is the bird now, Betty?

It's hard to believe that the end of the semester is here. That means that for some of you it will be your last computer class and probably the last time you look at the blog! Remember, even when you leave this class you can still access this class and blogs! It would be good for your English to keep it up! You could write a journal of what's going on in your life and new course and keep us up to date. Remember too, you can always leave a comment in my blog to contact me or email. That is of course, if you want to stay in touch! Maybe you'll be happy to say goodbye!

I set some work last week on writing Resumes which I don't think anyone got to. Perhaps you could go back to that post and complete the work. When you finish, you can listen to Rosa's podcast with Katerina who used to work in the Multicultural Unit. As Rosa suggested to her class it may help you with course selection or future pathways. Print of the questions if you need to.

As we won't be here next Thursday, it's bye bye for a few weeks. Good luck to those who are leaving and thanks for being great students. I've really enjoyed teaching you all and I wish you all the best for the future.For those of you coming back for another semester, well I'll be seeing you soon and I look forward to a bigger and better Semester 2!

Take care and happy blogging!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Writing resumes!

What kind of bird is this? What kind of bush is this? Where was the photo taken? Post your answers in 'comments'

G'day all,

It was great to see the fantastic work you did with Bubbleshare last week! Some of you are very creative and certainly don't need me to teach you anything on the computer! Well done!

Some of you are learning to drive or have recently got your licence so you may be thinking about Buying a car. Have a look at Time4English, Intermediate and do the exercises on Buying a used car. Remember to give me a copy of the work you do. When you have finished, write an opinion in your blog about buying a used car in Australia!

As we are soon to start work on Instructions/Processes etc, I thought that I'd give you some instructions today! Some of you are seriously thinking about going to get a job so it's a good idea to get your CV/Resume up to date. Today you can start to prepare one in class.

First, open Microsoft Word.
Then, click on the small x in the top right hand corner (not the one in the red box)to open Microsoft Office online.
Next,type 'Templates' in the search box.
Find Resumes/CV
Click on 'Basic'
Choose number 11 (you'll have to count) - Chronological resume - vertical theme.
Select 'Download now'.
Click 'Accept'
Finally, click 'Continue' and start writing in your information!

Happy blogging!